This blog set the question: Are You the Hundredth Monkey?

Comments to the initial post "What's Up With That?" give wonderful examples of what that might look like.

The New Year has begun. The Hundredth Monkey has abundant opportunity to be be make a difference - any difference that makes the world brighter, holier, more sane.

What does that look like for you?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Joy of Dance

Enjoy a great video!    

click  HERE

You will love this...Definitely worth watching.

Improv Everywhere causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places. Created in August of 2001 by Charlie Todd, Improv Everywhere has executed over 100 missions involving tens of thousands of undercover agents. The group is based in New York City. 

Could this be a version of what we are meant for? To be joy creators? and joy participators?
This one is great.

Joy to you today!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Does Positive News Exist?

I am just one of a handful of people I personally know  who love twitter.

I am a baby boomer so I didn't grow up having a media devise strapped to my wrist, but I have learned the value of human interaction through social media, and that enthralls me.

For many months I saw the visionary possibilities of grass roots social networking for good causes, but I had my epihany on the night of the Iran elections.

I was watching my twitter feed do it's thing while thinking how nice my bed was going to feel in just a few minutes, when I noticed the messages ("tweets") I receive starting to light up with personal reports from people inside Iran. They were describing what was happening in the streets. The reports were distressing.  The tone was disturbing. Next came photos. Quickly individuals from countries outside of Iran began stepping forward and tweeting was as quick as 1,2,3...strangers no longer strange to each other.

"What's happening there?"

"How can we help?"

"How can I help??"

How can I ...

hmmmm there are some good folks out there...

I jogged downstairs to my TV and clicked through every station. Nothing. Nada. Running back to my twitter feed online I saw that individual by individual, people had found each other and joined forces in all sorts of unexpected ways.  I watched it happen right before my eyes.  Some contacted their local media stations with breaking news.  Others were online communicators themselves and just started posting. Still others became beacons of light simply by bringing awareness to their own groups and tweeting "HEY look here - look what's going on."  Many changed their logo picture to reflect their participation in spreading the news.

Later - much later - mainstream media had it's own "breaking news" but in truth they took a whole lot longer than the folks I participated with on twitter, and I'm not really sure that what was offered was help.  

Now I witness the devastation in Haiti.  So many people have opened their minds and hearts to others who are far away.  The Hundredth Monkey says "I can."

Some of us are here to shine the light on those who show up in action.  This too is a way of demonstrating "I can." Mashable is one of my favorite online sources of information.  I invite you to check out what folks have done for Haitian relief that will make you feel good.  

Mashables Media Click Here 

Do you have something else to add?

Namaste as the Spirit in Me Sees the Spirit in You.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sharing Goodness

The winds of change are coming.

Can you feel it?

Despite what we've heard about Nostradamus' predictions, global warming, deforestation, GMOs, human conflict, energy wars and those who would aspire to elevate horn honking to a fine art...the thing IS the winds of change are coming and they just might be in the direction of good.

My understanding of the Hundredth Monkey concept invites us to the awareness that change is happening all around us, and if we choose to notice we can add to that change in the direction of harmony and peace. 

The thing is, it invites us to notice.

It invites us to notice.

JUST the act of noticing itself creates change.  The amazing ability of human consciousness to bring awareness to itself adds something that was not there before the noticing.

It adds possibility...possibility that once seen can be amplified and duplicated and expanded and given power.

Recognizing what goodness is occurring around you not only counters fear but adds to the power of goodness itself.  One tiny speck of recognition then might be all it takes to change the global initiative from fear... to love.

What good have you noticed lately?

I invite you to use this comment area to share. :)